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The world-renowned Professionals Treatment Program (PTP) at the Center for Professional Recovery (CPR) offers premier addiction and co-occurring mental health treatment specifically designed to meet the unique needs of professionals. Our distinguished programs, located in Malibu, California, offer proven, holistic, non-shaming and evidence-based treatment modalities in a confidential setting. We understand that effective treatment for professionals must be individualized to consider all facets of an individual’s needs.

Our experienced clinical team and staff supports both the patient’s treatment goals and serves as the liaison to the referent and the workplace to which they will return. In addition, we partner with specialists throughout the area to support our patients through their individual treatment journeys. Our mission is to provide the utmost care and professionalism our patients deserve and expertly guide them back to health and wellness.

According to our Executive and Clinical Director SallyAnn Cross,

“We soothe [our patients’] distress and amplify their joy.”

Specialized Treatment from the Experts

Gregory Skipper, M.D., Medical Director of the Professional’s Treatment Program at CPR, has been researching, creating and evolving professional treatment for over 30 years. Together, with his experienced team of treatment specialists, they will customize a comprehensive recovery plan that best fits each patient’s unique needs.

We know first-hand how challenging a demanding career can be, and many of us have been personally impacted by addiction and mental health disorders. Based on our extensive training and distinct experiences, we have constructed our programs to not only treats the disorder(s) present but also to prepare one to return to their professional and personal life safely.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-Occurring Disorders

The professional population, like others battling substance abuse disorders (SUDs), often find their addictions do not occur in isolation. Our PTP treats addictions that often occur with other mental health issues, known as a co-occurring disorder. Common mental illnesses that accompany addiction include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Co-occurring disorders can present an additional challenge for the professional who is suffering from addiction. Our philosophy is to address the addiction and mental health condition simultaneously, to achieve the highest odds of success. Also, we believe it is necessary to pinpoint the factors influencing the issues a professional appears to be having on the job to ensure they can return to the workforce safely and competently when they are ready. If a mental or physical illness is affecting the person’s ability to function at a high level professionally, we will address that condition as well to bring full restoration to the individual. At the Center for Professional Recovery, we have the clinical experience and ability to customize the treatment plan to successfully treat co-occurring disorders and ensure the best odds of an effective, long-term recovery.

Services Available

Services Available

To ensure every aspect of your addiction is addressed, we offer these program elements within our full continuum of care that include:

  • Phone consultations with prospective patients
  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations (CDEs)
  • Detox services
  • Comprehensive Day treatment
  • Structured transitional living
  • Individualized and customized treatment plans
  • Constructive and professional environment
  • High staff-to-patient ratio
  • Partnerships with UCLA and other community resources
  • Professional milieu, allowing professionals to receive treatment with their peers
  • Contingency planning
  • After-care

As a professional, you will feel comforted and supported in our milieu. Your decision to call will be the first step to get you back on solid footing, and on the path to recovery.

Therapeutic Treatment Options

The Professionals Treatment Program at the Center for Professional Recovery provides several treatment options to meet the needs of each patient we serve. Treatment is a fluid process, so patients will not be following an identical schedule day in and day out. Programs will evolve with our patients as they progress through treatment. Some of the therapies we offer are:

Our extensive range of treatment options offers significant and lasting benefits to our patients. We provide a full continuum of care, assuring our patients can begin their treatment at the right level of care and then step down when they are clinically ready. Our broad scope of therapeutic options also allows our team to tailor a treatment plan to the patient’s precise needs, ensuring the highest odds of treatment success.

Our goal is to safely transition our patients out of treatment and into a life of lasting recovery. For our physician patients, this allows them to safely return to the practice of medicine with the appropriate levels of aftercare and monitoring. Because our treatment plans are customized and follow rigorous standards, the risk of relapse is significantly lower than the conventional modalities of treatment broadly provided through other programs.


Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation

The Center for Professional Recovery also offers in-depth Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations (CDEs) which are independent of our Professionals Treatment Program. We conduct our multidisciplinary diagnostic evaluations using a carefully selected team of experts. Our assessments are thorough, based on evidence-based diagnostic criteria, and are designed to answer specific questions from the referent or other stakeholders confidentially.

The goal of evaluation is often to determine whether a disorder exists, based on clinical assessments, neuro-psychological testing, collateral information and documentation review. Our team provides a definitive answer both to whether a substance use and/or mental health disorder is present and also what treatment recommendations will lead to optimal outcomes. The evaluation team seeks to recommend evidence-based treatment at the right level of care to assist the professional in achieving recovery with as little disruption to their professional life as possible.

We Know Professional Treatment

We Know Professional Treatment

Finding high quality, evidence-based and non-shaming addiction treatment can be challenging enough; finding a program that caters to professionals, especially those in safety-sensitive roles, is even more difficult.

At Center for Professional Recovery, we have designed our comprehensive programs specifically to meet the needs of licensed professionals. They are modeled to meet the requirements of State Physician Health Programs (PHPs), which have set a standard of excellence for evaluation and treatment programs for physicians and other licensed professionals under their supervision. We work closely with PHPs, wellbeing committees and medical staffs from across the country and specialize in assisting professionals in safety-sensitive roles in returning to work safely.

By setting high-standards for evaluation and treatment, PHPs have shaped the emergence of a system of care that has the highest success rates ever documented from addiction treatment (79 – 92 percent success rates following treatment). The Professionals Treatment Program in Malibu has taken the best components of this system of care and designed an ideal program that provides evidence-based and customized therapies within a complete continuum of care.

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    Center for Professional Recovery